The Christmas Missives


Christmas 2005

Here it is—what you’ve all been waiting patiently for—our 2005 Christmas Letter!  Well… grab a cuppa (or a cocktail!) and sit down and savor the moment!

2005 was a quiet year for us… Paris, New York, San Francisco, London… Paris était fabuleux, en tant que toujours !  It was our 10th Anniversary present to ourselves.  (Our 11th Anniversary present is paying for it!) Not wanting to be the Ugly American, but also not having the skill to learn flawless French, Tim memorized a few key phrases.  The Parisians, hearing their lovely language desecrated, willingly replied in English, to stem the assault on their ears.  And the food…  We didn’t have a bad meal anywhere.  Even the simplest sandwiches from a sidewalk vendor were gastronomic delights. Coca-Cola is still made with sugar, not high fructose corn syrup.  The French have standards!

Victor was off to London for a whirlwind job interview. Everything went well, until it was announced that we would have to move to London for a couple of years.  Tim was immediately looking up international moving companies on the internet until we decided that while the salary was quite handsome, it really wasn’t enough for a suite at Kensington Palace—so Stratford-in-Pennsylvania  remains our address and the only Avon we’re likely to see will be in the form of the Avon Lady.  As Tim’s Mom always said, “Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!”

Both families are doing well… Tim’s dad moved kicking and screaming into a Senior apartment this summer.  Victor’s Mom went kicking and screaming into a similar apartment a few years back and is now running the bingo and pokeno games—and probably has a numbers racket going on the side.  Change isn’t easy—but it can be profitable—and Pop now has a new audience for all his jokes.

Cybil, our border collie/german shepherd pound-puppy was selected as “Miss May” for the Devon Veterinary Calendar..  Besides bragging rights, we received a free calendar.  Her agent is pouring over all the scripts and special appearance requests, and will get back with everyone soon with details and salary requirements.  Any other dog would let this go right to her head, but Cybil is a special breed—a mixed breed, in fact—and still enjoys life’s simple pleasures—a cookie, a belly-rub, or a romp in the front yard.  Granted, she does get demanding if dinner isn’t ready at 4pm, but it’s a small price to pay for fame.

Tim is still at Trader Joe’s, putting little pieces of food in little paper cups for people.  He’s expanded the site to include a new Food Blog, and is having fun waxing poetically about his culinary passions.  He’s also still creating web sites on the side.  If you’re looking for a website, he’s cheap!

Victor is still with World Travel/BTI running the support department for online booking tools. Fortunately, the software breaks down constantly, affording him a great sense of job security.  His cousin, Kelly Monaco, was the “Dancing with the Stars” star this year.  One always needs a cheap celebrity tie-in to close off their Holiday Letter, don’t you agree?!?

So, as we approach the end of the page, here’s our honest and sincere wish to you for a wonderful holiday and a joyous and prosperous new year.  And in the mid-term elections of 2006, remember to vote these criminals out of office!

—Victor & Tim…..